This is the complete list of members for MAST::NonlinearSystem, including all inherited members.
_condensed_dofs_initialized | MAST::NonlinearSystem | protected |
_eigen_problem_type | MAST::NonlinearSystem | protected |
_exchange_A_and_B | MAST::NonlinearSystem | protected |
_initialize_B_matrix | MAST::NonlinearSystem | protected |
_is_generalized_eigenproblem | MAST::NonlinearSystem | protected |
_local_non_condensed_dofs_vector | MAST::NonlinearSystem | protected |
_n_converged_eigenpairs | MAST::NonlinearSystem | protected |
_n_iterations | MAST::NonlinearSystem | protected |
_n_requested_eigenpairs | MAST::NonlinearSystem | protected |
_operation | MAST::NonlinearSystem | protected |
ADJOINT_SOLVE enum value | MAST::NonlinearSystem | |
adjoint_solve(const libMesh::NumericVector< Real > &X, bool if_localize_sol, MAST::AssemblyElemOperations &elem_ops, MAST::OutputAssemblyElemOperations &output, MAST::AssemblyBase &assembly, bool if_assemble_jacobian=true) | MAST::NonlinearSystem | virtual |
clear() libmesh_override | MAST::NonlinearSystem | virtual |
eigen_solver | MAST::NonlinearSystem | |
eigenproblem_sensitivity_solve(MAST::AssemblyElemOperations &elem_ops, MAST::EigenproblemAssembly &assembly, const MAST::FunctionBase &f, std::vector< Real > &sens, const std::vector< unsigned int > *indices=nullptr) | MAST::NonlinearSystem | virtual |
EIGENPROBLEM_SOLVE enum value | MAST::NonlinearSystem | |
eigenproblem_solve(MAST::AssemblyElemOperations &elem_ops, MAST::EigenproblemAssembly &assembly) | MAST::NonlinearSystem | virtual |
FORWARD_SENSITIVITY_SOLVE enum value | MAST::NonlinearSystem | |
generalized() const | MAST::NonlinearSystem | inline |
get_eigenpair(unsigned int i, Real &re, Real &im, libMesh::NumericVector< Real > &vec_re, libMesh::NumericVector< Real > *vec_im=nullptr) | MAST::NonlinearSystem | virtual |
get_eigenproblem_type() const | MAST::NonlinearSystem | inline |
get_eigenvalue(unsigned int i, Real &re, Real &im) | MAST::NonlinearSystem | virtual |
get_linear_solve_parameters() | MAST::NonlinearSystem | virtual |
get_n_converged_eigenvalues() const | MAST::NonlinearSystem | inline |
get_n_iterations() const | MAST::NonlinearSystem | inline |
get_n_requested_eigenvalues() const | MAST::NonlinearSystem | inline |
init_data() libmesh_override | MAST::NonlinearSystem | protectedvirtual |
initialize_condensed_dofs(MAST::PhysicsDisciplineBase &physics) | MAST::NonlinearSystem | |
linear_solver | MAST::NonlinearSystem | |
matrix_A | MAST::NonlinearSystem | |
matrix_B | MAST::NonlinearSystem | |
n_global_non_condensed_dofs() const | MAST::NonlinearSystem | |
NONE enum value | MAST::NonlinearSystem | |
NONLINEAR_SOLVE enum value | MAST::NonlinearSystem | |
NonlinearSystem(libMesh::EquationSystems &es, const std::string &name, const unsigned int number) | MAST::NonlinearSystem | |
Operation enum name | MAST::NonlinearSystem | |
operation() | MAST::NonlinearSystem | inline |
project_vector_without_dirichlet(libMesh::NumericVector< Real > &new_vector, libMesh::FunctionBase< Real > &f) const | MAST::NonlinearSystem | |
read_in_vector(libMesh::NumericVector< Real > &vec, const std::string &directory_name, const std::string &data_name, const bool read_binary_vectors) | MAST::NonlinearSystem | |
reinit() libmesh_override | MAST::NonlinearSystem | virtual |
sensitivity_solve(const libMesh::NumericVector< Real > &X, bool if_localize_sol, MAST::AssemblyElemOperations &elem_ops, MAST::AssemblyBase &assembly, const MAST::FunctionBase &p, bool if_assemble_jacobian=true) | MAST::NonlinearSystem | virtual |
set_eigenproblem_type(libMesh::EigenProblemType ept) | MAST::NonlinearSystem | |
set_exchange_A_and_B(bool flag) | MAST::NonlinearSystem | inline |
set_init_B_matrix() | MAST::NonlinearSystem | inline |
set_n_converged(unsigned int nconv) | MAST::NonlinearSystem | inlineprotected |
set_n_iterations(unsigned int its) | MAST::NonlinearSystem | inlineprotected |
set_n_requested_eigenvalues(unsigned int n) | MAST::NonlinearSystem | inline |
set_operation(MAST::NonlinearSystem::Operation op) | MAST::NonlinearSystem | inline |
solve(MAST::AssemblyElemOperations &elem_ops, MAST::AssemblyBase &assembly) | MAST::NonlinearSystem | virtual |
write_out_vector(libMesh::NumericVector< Real > &vec, const std::string &directory_name, const std::string &data_name, const bool write_binary_vectors) | MAST::NonlinearSystem | |
~NonlinearSystem() | MAST::NonlinearSystem | virtual |