Contact libMesh developers to resolve inability of libMesh configuration process to find Ubuntu repository provided HDF5 headers/libraries (openmpi/serial).
Update page with next release of libMesh after v1.5.1 that will incorporate changes to deal with metis conflicts.
Update the guide to include building support for pyNastran, Cython, and generating the documentation locally.
Contact libMesh developers to resolve inability of libMesh configuration process to find Ubuntu repository provided HDF5 headers/libraries (openmpi/serial).
Update page with next release of libMesh after v1.5.1 that will incorporate changes to deal with metis conflicts.
Update the guide to include building support for pyNastran, Cython, and generating the documentation locally.
Contact libMesh developers to resolve inability of libMesh configuration process to find Ubuntu repository provided HDF5 headers/libraries (openmpi/serial).
Update page with next release of libMesh after v1.5.1 that will incorporate changes to deal with metis conflicts.
Update the guide to include building support for pyNastran, Cython, and generating the documentation locally.