21 #ifndef __mast__coordinate_base__ 22 #define __mast__coordinate_base__ 65 #endif // __mast__coordinate_base__ void stress_strain_transformation_matrix_sens(const RealMatrixX &T, const RealMatrixX &dT, RealMatrixX &mat) const
void stress_strain_transformation_matrix(const RealMatrixX &T, RealMatrixX &mat) const
prepares the matrix mat that transforms stress and strain tensors represented in a 6x1 vector from th...
Matrix< Real, Dynamic, Dynamic > RealMatrixX
This creates the base class for functions that have a saptial and temporal dependence, and provide sensitivity operations with respect to the functions and parameters.
CoordinateBase(const std::string &nm)
Provides the transformation matrix T to transform vector from the orientation provided in this matrix...