20 #ifndef __mast__structural_buckling_eigenproblem_assembly__ 21 #define __mast__structural_buckling_eigenproblem_assembly__ 55 libMesh::SparseMatrix<Real>* B);
80 libMesh::NumericVector<Real>& x1,
81 libMesh::NumericVector<Real>& x2);
137 #endif // __mast__structural_buckling_eigenproblem_assembly__ libMesh::NumericVector< Real > * _sol2
constructor associates the eigen system with this assembly object
libMesh::NumericVector< Real > * _sol1_sens
the equilibrium solution sensitivity
This is a scalar function whose value can be changed and one that can be used as a design variable in...
libMesh::NumericVector< Real > * _sol2_sens
virtual void clear_discipline_and_system()
clears the states and load factors for buckling eigenproblem
bool _use_linearized_formulation
whether or not to use the linearized formulation
Assembles the system of equations for an eigenproblem of type .
Real _lambda1
values of load factors for which the two stiffness matrices are calculated for the buckling eigenvalu...
virtual ~StructuralBucklingEigenproblemAssembly()
destructor resets the association with the eigen system from this assembly object ...
Real critical_point_estimate_from_eigenproblem(Real v) const
calculates the critical load factor based on the eigensolution
std::map< const libMesh::Elem *, RealVectorX > _incompatible_sol
map of local incompatible mode solution per 3D elements
void set_buckling_data(bool use_linearized_approach, MAST::Parameter &p, const Real lambda1, const Real lambda2, libMesh::NumericVector< Real > &x1, libMesh::NumericVector< Real > &x2)
set the states and load factors for buckling eigenproblem.
virtual void eigenproblem_assemble(libMesh::SparseMatrix< Real > *A, libMesh::SparseMatrix< Real > *B)
assembles the global A and B matrices for the modal eigenvalue problem
MAST::Parameter * _load_param
load parameter used to define the two stiffness matrices
libMesh::NumericVector< Real > * _sol1
the equilibrium solutions associated with _lambda1 and _lambda2 load factors.